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knockoffs FMLs order report
Towel Knock-offs
shamwow guyThe huge success of the towel spawned a number of counterfeit items which surged across the international market; here are a few knockoffs to watch out for:

Handtowels: their small size leaves little to the imagination. Although admittedly very similar to a towel, the handtowel's towel status remains rejected by the World Towel Federation. Numerous tests across a number of variables supported this conclusion. Papertowels and handkerchiefs were equally denied, but for obvious reasons.

Towels made of 100% recycled newspaper: absorbency is reduced tenfold. 

paper towel

Blankets: Do not go to the beach with a blanket, or you will be considered a tool.

Snuggies: They are blanket-robes: almost half as bad to the towel market as blankets and robes individually.

The Shamwow: this item is packed so tight with absorbency-enhancing chemicals it's a wonder it ever made it through preliminary testing. Bottom line: this product has yet to stand long-term testing and could pose a viable threat to humanity.  Towels, and sheep, have long stood the test of time and will never pose a threat to humanity.

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Last Modified April 8, 2010 by Benjamin J. DeLong